Vimmi Singh
Leadership Coach
Our daily life today is fraught with cognitive overload that can compromise effective decision making. The traditional support systems of extended family and close friends have been challenged and to some extent, even dismantled by modern life.
Coaching provides a space to reflect, a source of energy and clarity and most importantly, an appropriate challenge. This enables a client to marshal ideas and solutions effectively. It is well known that internal obstacles are often more daunting than external ones.
Through coaching, I enable clients to develop their self-awareness, confidence, build teams and manage relationships.
Energising and thought provoking sessions help clients to improve their impact at work and in life.
Performance = Potential – Interference
The Inner Game Equation by Timothy Gallwey
In The Press
Individual director performance goes under the microscope

Board effectiveness: why directors and executives must work together

FTSE 350 boards hit gender diversity goals, but executive pipeline look…

The Art of Spending Time
December 2023

Time is precious. There never seems to be enough. We are overwhelmed with daily tasks to such an extent that sometimes it gets hard to see the wood from…
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Tuning Into Our Intuition
October 2023

Rene Descartes’s said ‘Cognito ergo sum’, ‘I think, therefore I am’. He believed that our ability to think determined our identity. Now we know that thought is not just…
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We Are Here To Build Resilience
May 2023

Experiencing sadness, disappointments and failure is an inherent part of life. Just by being alive, most of us would have already faced adversity, likely multiple…
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